
Pak rains rockets, BSF retaliates

AMRITSAR/NEW DELHI: Panic swept through villages around Attari in Punjab early on Saturday after six ockets slammed in from across the border.
No one was injured as the shells landed in open fields and a few rockets failed to explode.

‘‘Around midnight, six rockets were fired from the Pakistan side, of which two fell near the border outpost. We heard 2-3 explosions,’’ BSF IG Himmat Singh said.

Two rockets fell on the Kahangarh post where 35 BSF personnel are deployed, but did not explode. The BSF retaliated with artillery and mortar fire.

Two rockets each were found in Atalgarh and Modhay villages after the fog lifted. The rockets had exploded after hitting fields. One rocket hit the farm of Surjit Singh in Atalgarh, while in Modhay, one was found at the farm of Lakha Singh.

Saturday’s attack near Attari in Punjab was the third such attack since Pakistan constructed additional fortified concrete bunkers and new observation towers close to the border in Punjab and J&K.

Pakistan has reportedly built 19 new bunkers and 39 observation towers in the past seven months.

While three rockets were fired on July 5 last year, five rockets fired by the Pakistani forces crashed into Modhay, Dhoneya Khurd, Rattan Kallan and Dalekey villages in September.

‘‘Shells have been sent for ballistic tests to find out their make. Initial examination indicates Chinese origin, but only the lab can authenticate it,’’ said a senior BSF official in New Delhi.In retaliation, BSF personnel fired machine guns and mortar shells, targeting Pakistan’s KS Wala BOP area.


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