
Funny SMS jokes

Difference b/w secretary & private secretary
Q: What is the difference b/w secretary & private secretary?
Secretary says GOOD MORNING SIR
Private secretary says ITS MORNING SIR

A sinking ship & life guard jacket
A ship was sinking.
Captain: Does any one know how to pray?
A priest comes forward and says he can pray.
Captain: Ok priest, you pray;
Everyone else in ship will wear a life jacket
as we are one jacket short.

Theif entered kitchen
Santa: Look a thief has entered our kitchen
and he is eating the cake I made.
Banta: Whom should I call now,
Police or Ambulance?

Terror joke, amplifier and tsunami
What will happen
if u throw an AMPLIFIER into the sea?
TSUNAMI will be created
since an amplifier converts
small waves into bigger wave.

Santa’s sexy wife
2 men were searching for their lost wife in a festival.
Banta: What does your wife look like?
Santa: She is 5′7″, 36-24-36 sexy figure,
fair, sweet, beautiful, green sexy eyes, brown hair, and yours?
Banta: Forget mine, let us look for yours

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