* We all know that exercises will definitely keep us fit and prevents any disease from entering the body. The problem is that we do not wish to undergo any kind of strains unless and until required. It has become the mind set of modern days as people spend more time sitting with television sets and computers. There are few common excuses given by the people who skip exercises concerned with their body. These excuses and the self motivation that one has to develop to overcome these excuses are discussed in the next few paragraphs.
* Age - This is another lame excuse used by people that their body will not bend for doing physical exercises because of age factor. If the exercise methods are taken from young age, it will get stored in mind and the body would definitely ease out while doing these exercises at any age. Of course, the intensity of exercises can not be maintained but can be altered based on requirements. In any case, the exercises are necessary in keeping oneself fit and free from diseases and in case of losing belly fats, it is must to do at least low intensity exercises.
2. Raw Food
* It is advised to take food as raw food in order to avoid the loss of enzymes that get lost when the food is cooked. Moreover, if the food is consumed in raw state, it contains more natural fat which is healthy. It has also been proved that cooking food decreases its nutritive value.[1]
* Some of the best raw foods are
o Avocado
o Cabbage
o Carrot
o Cauliflower
o Celery
o Cucumber
o Zucchini
o Lettuce
o Onion
o Pear
o Tomato
o Watercress
o Mufa
3. Your Customized Diet and Foods
* Your enemies - These are those few digestible, ferment in the intestines, promote bloating and stored by the body as fat around the waist: the simple sugars (cakes, sweets, honey ...) slow and not complete (bread, pasta, rice, white semolina, biscuits, corn ...) in sauce dishes, fresh cheeses and fermented; mealy fruit (chestnut),pulses (peas, beans, lentils, chickpeas ...), soft drinks, fruit juices and soft drinks, and salt.
* Your friends - They are those who easily assimilated by the body and high nutritional density, promote weight loss, draining the digestive system and give a flat stomach: fish and lean meats and eggs, and whole grains, green vegetables (beans ), roots (carrots, radishes), flower (kale) and stems (leeks), fresh fruit, preferably between meals, and oilseeds, the dark chocolate, plain water and hot drinks.
4. Cardio Exercise
* Cardio exercises along with abdominal exercises are the best way to lose belly fat and hip fat. You can do some basic cardio exercises like walking, running, hiking etc. Swimming is one of the most powerful exercise to lose belly fat. Do it every day and see how your body changes in just 2 weeks!
* Easy and safe for the back, abs exercises focused on each of the abdominal muscles(middle,up and lower abs) should allow you to remove the fat and tone your stomach. Daily!
* Less stress - When you stressed, your liver secretes glucose and the pancreas produces more insulin to absorb the excess glucose. You are easily prone to hypoglycemia therefore cravings, and bloating because the transformation of sugar into fat leads to the formation of gas. You inflate and store.
* Better breathing - The beauty of your belly reside largely on abdominal breathing which is to enter a maximum of oxygen throughout the body, particularly in its ventral part. This way of breathing relaxes, facilitates trade, restores blood circulation and drains the body. Do you regularly lying on his back, eyes closed, one hand flat on the abdomen, breathe deeply by sending air into the diaphragm: Your hand must be raised. Breathe deeply to remove all the air inspired. Repeat.
* Massage your belly stimulate micro circulation, promote cellular exchanges, limit water retention, relax and improve digestion. You can try at home those different massage techniques:
* Sitting or lying down, legs bent, without cream or oil, slide your hands without exerting pressure on the entire surface of the belly, in the sense of clockwise.
* Hands flat on the belly, inhale, inflate the stomach, creating a contrast with the hands, as if you wanted to prevent the stomach to swell. In the end, falling in your stomach, push your hands up. Proceed by pressure and quick release.
* Enter both hands to the ribs on your belly, mix and knead the skin and connective tissue as you knead the dough. The palms of the hands and fingers should remain in contact with skin. Perform these exercises slowly, thoroughly and without friction.
* Pinched and rolled dough. This technique is to enter the skin with one or both hands between your thumbs and fingers, and the roll between the fingers. Objective: To hunt infiltration cellulite that has invaded the tissue.
* There are many creams for cellulite hunt and refine the skin. Most can be applied to all areas of cellulite, while others are specific to the waistline area.
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