
funny sardar jokes and sms

What is a grownup joke?
A sardarji’s boy asked his dad:
What is a grownup joke?
Sardar ji replied:
any joke which is eighteen years old
Sardar sent SMS to his BOSS
Sardar sent SMS to his BOSS:
“Me sick, no work”
Boss SMS back:
“When I am sick I kiss my wife try it”
2 hours later sardar sms 2 boss:
“Me ok, ur wife very sweet”
Monkeys play football
Sardar to doctor:
When I sleep, monkeys
play football in my dreams.
Dr:No problem,
just take this medicine b4 sleep.
Sardar: Kal se khaonga aaj final hai.
I will give both of them
Sardar 2 friend: Guess how many
coins I have in my pocket?
Friend:If I guess right, u give me 1?
Sardar:Oji, I will give both of them
Money wrapped in a rubber band?
Sardarji to others:
Did anyone lose money wrapped in a rubber band?
One said, Yes I did
Sardar: Well, it’s your lucky day,
I found the rubberband!
Sardar made a call to the airport
Sardar made a call to the airport.
Asked,”How long is the journey from Punjab to America?”
Receiptionist: “One second sir….”.
Sardar: Ok, thank you..!!!

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