
Various Sayings From Around the World

A dog knows the places he is thrown food.
-African Proverbs

Tell me who's your friend and I'll tell you who you are.
-Russian Proverb

A heart in love with beauty never grows old.
- Turkish Proverb

A man is not where he lives, but where he loves.
Latin Proverb

Once the game is over, the king and the pawn go back in the same box
Italian Proverb

However long the night, the dawn will break.
African Proverbs

The good looks of a moron do not stay that way for long. - Ethiopia (Ayele, p. 23, Amharic)
African Proverbs

A Champion bull starts from birth. - Luyia.Western Kenya

The enemy of my enemy is my friend.
-Arabian Proverbs

One does not love if one does not accept from others. - Kanuri proverb, Nigeria
-African Proverbs

The young can't teach traditions to the old. - Yoruba proverb
African Proverbs

He who marries a real beauty is seeking trouble. - Accra proverb, Ghana
African Proverbs

Knowledge is better than riches. Cameroon
African Proverbs

need not fear my enemies because the most they can do is attack me. I need not fear my friends because the most they can do is betray me. But I have much to fear from people who are indifferent.
Russian Proverb

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